If it smells of oil or Petrol ...its in the shed.

Monday, 21 July 2014

Another great day out at the VMCC Founders Day

Arrived nice and early at Stanford Hall for the 2014 Founders Day, it was only then that I realised that I had forgotten my Camera....Pah! what sort of reporter Blogger am I?   Then Jacqueline came to the rescue and let me use her Galaxy note, and to be fair Phones these day do take decent images....although no Selfies here today. Meet Johnny Rudge on the Rudge Enthusiasts Club stand.
This Gentleman was doing what a lot of people do during the course of the afternoon, and that is to ride around the Parade ring showing of their pride and joy, and also letting us hear each machines unique exhaust note... oh and if we are lucky the aroma of Castrol R.
 I do have soft spot for early Douglas motor cycles and these pair were very nice. The far one looks loaded up ready to go on a expedition, in fact possibly to the trenches of the First World War. Because one of the themes of Founders day was 1st world war machines and certainly  Douglas machines played an important roll in the Battle fields of France.


Now if I sold a Kidney, some family Silver ( plated ) sold off all of my possession's I could buy something beautiful like  this flat tank Norton, oh! did I mention I also have a soft spot for Vintage Norton's.
A few years ago one of my neighbours gave me one these bolt on motors to go on the back of a cycle frame, in fact the very same type as this a ' Power Pak ' So one of these days if I can find a suitable old bicycle I may strap on my very own ' little Engine ' and puff and pant around an English field in the Summer...while I still can! 

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Wartime on the Railway.

At Bridgnorth Railway station WW2 Military Vehicles are gathered along with stales  selling vintage clothing ,a selection of  Real Ales  in the Station Pub and a Sing A Long Variety show belting out Favourite songs of the wartime period. This can only be the Severn Valley Railways 1940s weekend!
Meanwhile back at Kidderminster station Vintage cars, and two machines from the Convoy group rest in the late afternoon sun shine. In the morning there was around six DR type machines gathered around the station concourse, the machines and riders then escorted Mr Churchill and Monty to their next important destination along the line.
 This Gentleman very kindly posed outside his vintage caravan, just look at his Tank top drying in the sun. There was a nice display of these lovely caravans at Arley station along with there Classic tow cars. 
 More of the Convoy of Despatch riders at Kidderminster station waiting for Mr Churchill to finish his breakfast in the station Café.
A steam train just pulls up at Arley station platform as a couple dance to live  music being sang in the platform rest room...is that dance a Jitterbug?