If it smells of oil or Petrol ...its in the shed.

Sunday, 14 June 2015

All Change!

Its been a while since I last posted on this Blog, well the truth is I did a very big thing   recently, I moved house! and we all know what a stressful  and time consuming effort  that can be. However I have been very brave and got rid off lots of things I knew I would not need including at least 16 trips to the local charity shops and tip. But on the plus side I have moved to a very nice Bungalow on the edge of a village with perfect Vintage bike roads on my doorstep. When moving into a new property it is all ways a nice thing to buy a new carpet or washing machine.....but for me I bought a new Motor Cycle. And so here is my 1939 J.A.P. powered Cotton, we are still getting to know each other, with 4 local VMCC runs to its credit. Oh! and people say my new machine even smells nice, and thats because it runs on Castrol 'R'


benchdonkees said...

Great lookin' bike you got there Dave!!

Laurent said...

Lucky guy ,it's a great buy !